RaceME & Pro| FAQ
Worldwide Official Retailer | RaceME TunersFrequently Asked Questions
RaceME & RaceME Pro
Below is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions for RaceME & RaceME Prop products. If you don’t see your question below, please feel free to ask us or contact RaceME Canada Technical Support.

How can I tell if my tuner is "Vin Locked"?
Power up the unit. When the “RACEME” title is displayed, it will look like this # RACEME # if it is vin locked. If there are no number signs, the tuner is unlocked. Currently, There is no way to unlock a tuner except to find the original truck it was locked to.
How can I tell what tune version is on my tuner?
Power up the tuner. Before you get to the ECM update screen, the tuner will briefly display the current tune and data version. It will appear like V:9.43D R:ME01E.
Can i tune my truck without deleting my DPF (diesel particulate filter)?
No. All the emission-related parts of the exhaust system must be removed. Premature failure of the DPF will result causing a clogged exhaust system until the engine will no longer run.
What should I do first? Remove the emission related parts, or tune my engine?
Tuning the engine is always preferred. This way you can be sure you will have no other complications with tuning such as bad batteries, dirty or loose battery posts (loose posts cause major problems), CEL (check engine light) due to improper installation of exhaust or egr removal or any other problems that might occur outside the hours of technical support. Once tuning is installed correctly, you can continue with the rest of your installation.
Can I use my tuner on more than one truck at a time?
No, once the tuner is installed, it becomes “vin locked” to that truck. The only way to un vin lock the tuner is to return the truck to “stock”. After truck is returned to stock, it may be used on another truck.
Will my tuner work on different years of trucks?
Yes. With minor limitations.
The Race Me tuner and Race Me Pro can be changed from a MY2007.5 through MY2012 by simply updating the tuner with appropriate file found on our UPDATES page.
The Race Me Ultra tuner can be changed from a MY2007.5 through MY2016 by updating the tuner through the same link as above.
How do I update my tuner?
All updates can be found here: https://racemecanada.com/Updates_c_12.html
Instructions on how to update can be found here:
Race Me Pro: RaceME PRO Update Guide.pdf
Race Me: RaceME Update Guide.pdf
What do I check if my tuner is plugged in but wont power up?
Check power cord for damage. If power cord is good, check fuse locations for DLC (diagnostic link connector) as follows:
2007.5- 2009. fuse location 11. 20Amp. Ignition off draw.
2010-2011. fuse location M25. 10A. Bat- J1962 Diag/Mirror.
2012. fuse location M30. 15Amp. J1962 Diag Connector.
2013-2015. fuse location F44. 10Amp. Diagnostic Port.
If Still no power up, Contact tech support.
What do I do with the factory sensors in the exhaust system?
All sensors from the factory exhaust can be unplugged except for the differential pressure sensor which is located on the transmission on the passenger side. This sensor can be identified by having two rubber hoses connected to it. Disconnect the two hoses and leave the sensor plugged in. Disconnect the EGR valve electrical connector (top of intake horn), the throttle valve connector (bottom of intake horn), and the EGR cooler connectors x3 (located on EGR cooler). These electrical connectors will not cause a CEL as they no longer function after programming.
What do I do with the EGR valve, EGR cooler, and the Throttle valve after I have unplugged them?
The EGR valve ,cooler, and throttle valve will not function after programming. This means that these parts can be left on the truck or can be taken off with the use of aftermarket delete kits.
What do I do if my programming is interrupted?
Always make sure your battery posts are clean and tight. These trucks can be sensitive to low voltage. Also, we recommend that while programming to use a battery charger on a low charge (usually 5 to 10amp charge, or if your charger has a flash program setting).
This will ensure a constant voltage while programming and less chance of a problem. If your programming should become interrupted, simply follow the “recovery of the ECM” section in the Race Me manual.
What do I do if the dealer flashes over my Race Me software?
You will get a Vin locked message. Press the right arrow button twice to override condition and force load the program to the truck. If you see a vin locked message in all capital letters, you may have old software on your tuner. load current software and update tuner. If the problem persists, contact Race Me technical support.
How do i reset "see dealer now" message ?
Unfortunately, this is something you will need a dealer or a local shop to help you with. The cause of this message is a combination of regenerative timers and accumulators within the ECM.
With the use of a scanner such as a snap-on Modis, Solis or a factory witech, all these timers can be reset. These timers will not cause a check engine light because they are simple counters that relay information to the ECM about regenerations and over temp events. At an assigned value, the ECM thinks there is a problem with the emissions system. In some cases, more common on the 07.5-09 trucks, this message can also be caused by a worn out “fuel pressure relief valve”. If this is the case, a new pressure relief valve must be installed for proper function.
If I need a recovery file, what should I have ready or include in email?
Year of the truck. Vin of the truck. Transmission type (68rfe or Aisin), Error type and number (if available), Tuner type and serial number, and a short description of what happened.
How do I get rid of the "Service required - See Dealer Now" message on the vehicle information center?
The most often cause for this message is the regenerative timers that the ECM records within itself. Once these timers reach a predefined value, the ECM requests that the exhaust is serviced.
To reset these timers, a Witech Diagnostic scanner or equivalent will be required.

RaceME Canada
Authorized Worldwide Headquarters
Tuners are to be used for Off-Road Competitions & Organised Racing.
RaceME Tuners
All prices listed are in US funds. Orders processed will be charged to your credit card in USD.
RaceME Support
World-class support for our customers.
Technical Support is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST).
1 844 572 2363
This product is for competition use ONLY.
Not intended for use on any street driven or offroad vehicle.

All RaceME Tuners are shipped FREE!