RaceME Ultra CS 2022
**All Prices Listed In USD**
** A New or Used 2019-2021 Dodge Ram 6.7 Cummins ECM is required for this swap.**
2022 Dodge Ram Cummins Custom Tuned with Stock HP Delete Tune
- The Ultra CS is custom-tuned with a single Stock HP delete tune.
- All the other great features of the Ultra included – a full digital touchscreen gauge display, read DTC’s, tire size, etc.
- The Ultra CS comes preloaded with the correct tune file for 2022 trucks, no need to email or transfer tunes, it’s all done for you for a no fuss, no muss plug and play tuner.
- The Ultra CS available only at racemecanada.com and our Authorized Dealers and Distributors.
***VIN Required***
The Ultra device must be updated to
the latest firmware RAME 024B version before proceeding. | VIEW UPDATE
This product is for competition use ONLY.
This product is not intended for use on any street-driven or offroad vehicle.

RaceME Canada
Authorized Worldwide Headquarters
Tuners are to be used for Off-Road Competitions & Organised Racing.
RaceME Tuners
All prices listed are in US funds. Orders processed will be charged to your credit card in USD.
RaceME Support
World-class support for our customers.
Technical Support is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST).
1 844 572 2363
This product is for competition use ONLY.
Not intended for use on any street driven or offroad vehicle.

All RaceME Tuners are shipped FREE!