RaceME Ultra | FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions

RaceME Ultra

Below is a collection of Frequently Asked Questions for RaceME & RaceME Prop products. If you don’t see your question below, please feel free to ask us or contact RaceME Canada Technical Support.

What is the first thing I should do after receiving my tuner?

You should always check to see if the tuner is up to date.  This will ensure a problem-free installation.  You can do this by powering up the tuner and going to MENU –> CONFIG TOOLS–> PAGE UP–> FIRMWARE UPDATE.

Compare the update on the tuner with the current on at www.racemecanada.com under the updates tab.  Keep note that even though the tuner may tell you it is up to date, it is only reading what is on the card and not what is on the website, so be sure to check.

There is a full pictured tutorial under the Ultra tab on how to accomplish updating the tuner.

What information should I have if I am having a problem with my tuner and need technical assistance?

Please email any problems and error codes to out Tech team. We will get back to you same day.

You should include:

  • Year of truck and transmission type.
  • Vin#lock check (take a picture).
  • RaceME Ultra Information (take a picture)
  • ECM Information (take a picture)
  • Pictures of error screens.
Should I use a battery charger when I am programming my truck?

Definitely YES!

These trucks are sensitive to both low and high voltage as well as dirty and loose battery posts.  Please ensure posts are tight and clean and set the charger to “flash” setting.  If the charger has no flash setting, set to 6v or 4amp charge.  This will keep the voltage constant during programming.

What does "no valid SD card found" mean?

This usually is accompanied by a white SD card status (white = non-readable) on the bottom right side of the screen. This error simply means that one of the files in the  “data” folder on the SD card is missing or corrupt. The solution is to format the card, redownload the most current update and reinstall the files back onto the card. A full tutorial on how to do this can be found here: Ultra Update Manual.pdf 

Don’t forget to safely eject the drive once finished as not doing so can cause the same issue again. The eject button can be found in the bottom right of the taskbar.

I've plugged in my pyrometer probe but it doesn't show up in the menu. What do I do?

Follow these steps:

  • unplug OBDII connector
  • unplug probe connector from the controller
  • plugin probe connector to the controller
  • plugin OBDII connector
  • power up and go to temp menu under dashboard configuration (touching gauge to select parameter)
  • Pyrometer should show up.
What do i do if the tuner keeps telling me to KEY ON and then KEY OFF in an endless loop?

Some aftermarket devices that use CAN address such as Alpine GPS systems and or lockpick system and need to be shut off of disconnected because the CAN addressing can collide the CAN messages being sent from the Ultra.

Where does the unlock cable go and do I have to leave it hooked up after programming?

The unlock or RSA cable must be hooked up on the 2013 and up models for ECM programming to unlock the ECM.

The unlock cable must be hooked up on all trucks from 2010 and up to use the real-time functions as the commands are sent through this cable.

This cable connects behind the intake horn next to the dipstick. There is a cover on the plug that has to be removed in order to plug the unlock cable in.  The other end gets plugged into the side of the communication module.  For detailed instructions on this, go to the ultra page and look under manuals.

This cable can be disconnected after programming but you will loose real time functions and you may get a check engine light without a dtc.  We recommend leaving this cable connected.

What do I do if I get a check engine light without a DTC?

The reason for CEL with no DTC is that the ECM monitors all the emissions sensors in a series like a row and uses a table to accomplish this.  If your truck was brought back to stock, This table will contain all the emission-related sensors that are no longer there.

When you reprogram the truck and start the engine,  The ECM reads the old table and cannot find the sensors that are missing.  The reason for not showing a DTC is the DPF routines and the DTC descriptions have been removed in order to keep the CEL of while you have no emissions equipment.

This will only show a CEL if the sensors that are removed are in the next row of the table to test after key on command. This is why it happens to some and not others.  The solutions are to drive cycle your truck until this goes out.

How do I get rid of the "Service required - See Dealer Now" message on the vehicle information center?

The most often cause for this message is the regenerative timers that the ECM records within itself.  Once these timers reach a predefined value, the ECM requests that the exhaust is serviced.  To reset these timers, a Witech Diagnostic scanner or equivalent will be required.

These timers are as follows:

  • Filter Timers regen and NAC
  • Reset Aftertreatment Trip Information
  • Reset Fuel Pressure Limiting Valve Accumulators
  • Reset NOx Absorber Counts
  • Reset Regenerative Filter Timers
  • View/Reset Duty Cycle Accumulators
  • View/Reset Trip Information Accumulators
  • View/Reset DPF After Treatment Over Temp Events
  • View Reset DOC After Treatment Over Temp Events
  • View/Reset Duty Cycle Maps
  • View/Reset NAC After Treatment Over Temp Events
  • Reset all of them, ALL

On 2007-2009 trucks there is a possible other reason for that message and going into limp mode. If the pressure relief valve is not tight anymore it can cause that not related message and force truck even into limp mode.

Solution is to shim the valve and if you see it was the reason replace it with a new one. Shimming should only be done to find the issue, because the valve is a very important security device in case the CP3 is out of range and rises pressure until somewhat has to give, and that should be the Valve what opens in such an event and not an exploding rail with more than 30000psi pressure.

The Fuel Pressure Limiting Valve is screwed into the front of the Fuel Rail on 6.7 engines

If you are wondering why a code reader can’t delete that is because this are no DTC’s, that are simple counter’s who gives the ECM information about regenerations and the count of over temp events. At a assigned value of such events the ECM thinks there is a problem with the DPF and comes with the SEE DEALER NOW message.

What does two red flashes then one green flash and two red flashes repeating on the monitor mean?

This usually means there is a physical connection problem in the system.  Some of the controllers come with guide pins located on the com port side. These pins need to be unscrewed and discarded as they are too long and don’t allow the controller and comm mod to seat together properly.

If this is not the problem, you may have a cord problem in which case you should call RaceMe to better diagnose the problem.

Does my tuner support real time changes?

Real-time changes are fully supported in the 2010- 2016 6.7l Cummins engines.  Real-time changes in the 2007.5 to 2009 are only supported with the use of custom tuning via warp tuning. Currently, real-time is not supported for the box tuning in the 2007.5- 2009.

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RaceME Canada

Authorized Worldwide Headquarters


Tuners are to be used for Off-Road Competitions & Organised Racing.


All prices listed are in US funds. Orders processed will be charged to your credit card in USD.

RaceME Support

World-class support for our customers.

Technical Support is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST).

1 844 572 2363

This product is for competition use ONLY.
Not intended for use on any street driven or offroad vehicle.


All RaceME Tuners are shipped FREE!