RaceME Pro 2010-2012 Dodge 6.7 Cummins
**All Prices Listed In USD**
RaceME Pro for the Dodge Cummins Diesel 6.7 (2010-2012)
- Turn off the EGR system without removing ANY parts
- Read / Clear Diagnostic Trouble Codes
- Removes the DPF system and ALL related sensors (nothing needs to go into the race exhaust or be plugged in)
- Allows removal of the entire EGR system including cooler with no trouble codes
- Late injection events (post inj) disabled for best economy
- Allows programming the VGT Turbo
- Speedometer recalibration for use of non-stock size tires
- Remove / Adjust top speed limiter
- Tune engine with HP increases of up to 170HP
- Stage 0 has stock power without EGR/DPF and no options, simply stock for the careful user
- Customizable injection timings for more economy and/or power
- Free Internet updateable via our website with the newest software
- Cab and Chassis models are also backed
- Warning Use the tuner only after removing DPF System.
- Not For Sale or Use In California
This product is for competition use ONLY. Not intended for use on any street driven or offroad vehicle.

RaceME Canada
Authorized Worldwide Headquarters
Tuners are to be used for Off-Road Competitions & Organised Racing.
RaceME Tuners
All prices listed are in US funds. Orders processed will be charged to your credit card in USD.
RaceME Support
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Technical Support is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST).
1 844 572 2363
This product is for competition use ONLY.
Not intended for use on any street driven or offroad vehicle.

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