Not For Sale or Use In California
Need Support?
If you need help finding your UCR.REQ File, please visit our VIN License Support page.
VIN License
The RaceMe Ultra includes one VIN License.
For an additional purchase, up to three more VIN Licenses can be installed. This means each tuner can tune up to four different trucks simultaneously!
|This product is for competition use ONLY. Not intended for use on any street-driven or offroad vehicle.
If ordering a VIN License, you will need to upload your UCR.REQ file below to proceed. Our new system does not work in older browsers.
Update your browser: Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge.
You can also email us your file.
Please note: Nothing is physically shipped, the new license will be emailed to you.
Before proceeding … if you plan to purchase a RaceMe VIN License using PayPal … please go to this page.

RaceME Canada
Authorized Worldwide Headquarters
Tuners are to be used for Off-Road Competitions & Organised Racing.
RaceME Tuners
All prices listed are in US funds. Orders processed will be charged to your credit card in USD.
RaceME Support
World-class support for our customers.
Technical Support is available Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Central Standard Time (CST).
1 844 572 2363
This product is for competition use ONLY.
Not intended for use on any street driven or offroad vehicle.

All RaceME Tuners are shipped FREE!